LUMiSpoc® - accurately size and count all your particles; every particle; one particle at a time.
Single Particle Counting and Sizing
The LUMiSpoc® is a new-generation optical liquid particle counter and particle sizer. It combines the patented Single Particle Light-Scattering Technology® (SPLS) with hydrodynamic focusing, giving you unprecedented dynamic range and accuracy in the nanometer and micron-size particle range.
Single Particle Light-Scattering Technology® (SPLS) is a technique by which both forward and sideward particle scattering characteristics are simultaneously measured and recorded.
Single particles are lined up in a single file by hydro-dynamic focusing in a specially designed optical flow cell. The flow cell channels all particles to the center of the flow stream. The surrounding sheath flow acts as a liquid wall, preventing mechanical blockage and ensuring all particles are fed through the detector and counted.
Additionally, the cross-section of the sample flow can be adjusted dynamically (by factor 35) with no changes to the mechanical parts. This allows you to work in a broad sample concentration range.
When a single particle crosses the laser beam, the light is scattered in all directions. Forward and sideward scattering of light are recorded simultaneously using two photomultipliers and are analyzed in real-time after amplification and digitalization.
The scattered light intensities determined for each particle are sorted in over 1 million bins and displayed as a high-resolution bar chart stating the count distribution on an easy-to-use touch screen.
The Mie theory converts Classified intensities into particle size distribution density. Measurement, data storage, and analysis are powered by the software platform SEPView®.
SPLS-Technology® enables you to analyze nanoparticle and micron-particle-sized emulsions and suspensions correctly.
The instrument features a responsive large touch-screen interface, fully automated cleaning cycles, and many other user-friendly features that ensure a fun and engaging user experience.
Additional sophisticated data analysis can be performed using the powerful SepView software.
The Liquid Particle Counter and Particle Sizer LUMiSpoc uses the patented Single Particle Light Scattering Technology and hydrodynamic focusing allowing you to correctly analyze your nano and micro dispersion.

Liquid Particle Counter and Particle Sizer

Forward Particle Scattering Intensities
Sideward Particle Scattering Intensities
LUMiSpoc Specifications
Particle Size Range: 40 nanometers to 8 microns
Minimum particle size resolution < 10 nm
Particle Concentration Range: 10^3 ml^-1 to 10^9 ml^-1
Counting Rate: Up to 10,000 particles per second
Particle Counting Precision: >98 percent
Typical measurement time: 1 min
Light Source: tunable violet diode laser
Dinemsions: 60 cm x 52 cm x 59 cm
Weight: 25 kg
Power Supply: 24 V DC, 220W