LUMiReader® - going placed the naked eye never could
Imagine a tall beaker filled with a suspension or emulsion. Your eyes will instantaneously capture the entire image from top to bottom and draw some conclusions about its content and quality.
Using the embedded STEP-Technology® the LUMiReader does something very similar.
The LUMiReader® instantaneously captures the light scattering profile of your entire sample from top to bottom using multiple wavelengths just like the naked eye.
However, unlike the naked eye, the LUMiReader® has a significantly higher resolution, illuminates your sample at wavelengths outside of the human realm, and gives you non-biased quantitative results.
The result is a unique light scattering fingerprint of your emulsion, suspension, or dispersion. It shows the physicochemical stability state of your emulsion and suspension.
Because you capture data across the entire sample height, you can do the following:
• Stability – measure emulsion and suspensions stability directly and instantaneously across your whole sample
• Particle sizing – take advantage of high particle size resolution due to Stokes law and Mie scattering principles and perform sizing without having to know the refractive index
• Accelerate the natural separation process up to 10x using the Boycott effect
Stability. While The LUMiReader® excels for applications that show relatively fast separation (minutes to weeks), you can use it for any dispersion stability application.
Particle Sizing. The LUMiReader® gives you the size distribution for gravity-driven particles, meaning gravity has to exceed the particle's diffusion forces. If your application meets this condition, then the LUMiReader® is an exceptionally accurate and powerful particle sizing tool.
The high resolution is primarily due to STEP-Technology®’s ability to analyze your whole sample from top to bottom instantly using three different wavelengths simultaneously.
It allows you to take advantage of Stokes Law and light scattering principles. Larger particles have a faster separation velocity than smaller ones. The optical scattering profile of a particle depends on its size and the illuminating wavelength. This means there are essentially two separate material properties the LUMiReader® uses to obtain exceptional particle size and separation resolution.
If you work with particles larger than one micron, this gives you an advantage over laser diffraction. Laser diffraction can only use one parameter to fit the optical signal: light scattering.
Furthermore, you can perform particle sizing without knowing the refractive index.
Separation Acceleration at 1xg. The LUMiReader® also includes a patented method for accelerating your product's natural separation rate based on the Boycott effect.
The Boycott effect induces faster separation than possible under standard gravity conditions. It does so by inclining the sample at specific predetermined angles combined with a particular sample vial geometry—resulting in accelerated product separation of up to 12 times.
That means you get results 12 times faster than any standard non-accelerated method.
As you can see, the LUMiReader® packs a punch despite its small, lightweight, portable design.

Dispersion Fingerprints
With the LUMiReader®, you can analyze emulsion and suspension stability directly.
There is no need to input material constants or model the data according to some complex theory.
Place your sample into the instrument and press start.
Simple. Fast. Direct.
Accurately measure the sedimentation rate and particle size distribution of a polydisperse suspension
Accurately measure the creaming rate and particle size distribution of a polydisperse emulsion
Particle Size Range:
250 nanometers to 1000 microns (the lower range is dependent of particle density)
Conformity: ISO/TR 13097; ISO 13318-2; CFR 21 Part 11
Temperature Range: 0 to 80 Celsius
The operating software SepView runs on Windows 7 & 10.
SepView is CFR-21 compliant.
Please note that the LUMiReader requires a separate temperature control chiller.